nTopology Review

nTopology provides designers and engineers with advanced design and testing tools, offering a centralized platform for creating precise designs. The software allows users to integrate data from other sources and export it to other design tools for further improvements. This solution enables engineers to continue working on their projects across multiple platforms.
nTopology is a multilingual software that provides topology optimization technology, significantly reducing weight without compromising product performance. Its parameters and workflow repetition generate new design variations and lightweight parts optimized for specific engineering needs. It minimizes material usage and production costs.



  • Speed: Receive real-time feedback and experience 10 to 100 times better performance, as complex modeling operations that take minutes in other software become instant.
  • Complexity: Create intricate geometries that would be impossible in traditional CAD and manage design complexity using mathematics, data, and logic.
  • Reliability: Develop reusable design processes that remain functional even when inputs change, and integrate workflows with your existing engineering software stack.
  • Design: Generate indestructible geometries with the implicit modeling engine. Since every solid body is described as a single mathematical equation, you can instantly adapt and iterate designs.
  • Optimization: Improve performance using Field-Driven Design to optimize based on simulation, testing, or analytical data. Leverage best-in-class tools to shorten design cycles.
  • Scalability: Create reusable processes to automate repetitive design tasks, batch-process similar parts, and generate multiple design candidates in simulation-driven design.
  • Build preparation: Efficiently prepare builds without cumbersome meshes.
  • CAD integration: Incorporate implicit designs into product assemblies.
  • Requirement-driven design: Generate designs that meet competing objectives and constraints in a one-step optimization process.
  • Eliminate manual iterations: Remove guesswork from multi-parameter optimization to achieve better design results in a fraction of the time.
  • Innovate with confidence: Solve complex engineering challenges using the latest generative design tools to gain a competitive edge.
  • Lightweighting: Achieve greater weight reduction compared to multi-step optimization alternatives by incorporating multiple design objectives and constraints in a single process.
  • Orthopedic implants: Generate implants with elastic properties comparable to bone to prevent stress shielding, ensure mechanical performance, and create a structured surface that promotes bone growth.
  • Consumer products: Design products that leverage the unique aesthetics of additive manufacturing while ensuring they function as expected.
  • Parameterization: Map design variables to a structure’s physical response through simulation, testing, or analytical equations.
  • Synthesis: Automatically convert results into modifiable implicit geometry for post-processing and refinement.


nTopology enables designers to access 3D printing overhang angles, multiple support regions, and export designs into a file for 3D printing.

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Usability: 5 /10 Speed: 9 /10 Features: 7 /10 Support: 8 /10 Pricing: 6 /10

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