Have you ever missed some important emails? Do you receive too many newsletters? Do you sometimes forget if you answered to an email the day you were supposed to do it? It happens a lot to us, more than we like to admit.
Astro is an email client (or better an email app) that tries to overcome inconveniences and forgetfulnesses by receiving your digital correspondence and subdividing it into two large groups: Priority, where you can find messages coming from contacts that Astro thinks are important to you, and Other where you can read all the rest (newsletters, commercial messages, occasional contacts).
Okay, Gmail already does something like that, but Astro’s peculiarity is that also uses Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to AI, it analyzes all the messages we receive and our interactions with these, suggesting new behaviors every time it thinks it’s necessary. For example, if it finds we are exchanging many emails with a particular contact, it will suggest to include him in a “VIP” contacts list.
Astro integrates a bot (in apps is located below the list of used accounts) that guides you only when it thinks is necessary to intervene on some message (“it seems to me that you have not yet responded to John, do you want to do it now?”).
Since last week, Astrobot also integrates with Slack and Alexa, so it’ll always be available when you work (on Slack), or you’re home (through the Amazon Echo). The app is still in public beta and available for Mac, iOS, Android, Alexa, Slack. It works with Office 365 and Gmail addresses, and developers are working to extend support to iCloud, Yahoo!, Hotmail, and other email services operating through IMAP.
Just a tip: these apps are interesting and useful experiments, but take a look at Astro’s privacy policy before securing access to your email box.