Finta Review

Finta is a fundraising software that helps early-stage companies raise and organise private capital. The investor tracking tool allows employees to maintain a list of all investor requests with details such as status, investor name, email address, amount and preferred payment processing method, as well as other transaction details.
Finta provides a built-in database of recommended investors, allowing organisations to generate potential clients based on specific business requirements. It allows staff members to upload and send investment documents with deal terms to potential clients from within the platform. Users will automatically receive real-time notifications when investors view, interact with or show interest in investment deals.



  • The world’s first GPT powered CRM, built explicitly for creating meaningful investor interactions and automatically driving your funnel forward with AI personalized email scripts.
  • Automatically uses your deal information to prospect the best investors for your company’s offering.
  • Share your link to privately allow investors to commit and send funds.
  • Upload your presentation. Include as much information as you want.
  • Find the right investors for your company.
  • CRM provides epic mission control for all investor relations.
  • Securely accept investment fund transfers in your deal room through a simple ACH, check, or wire.
  • Cap table management including support for multiple classes of shares, employee stock option pool, convertibles, warrants, and more.
  • Securely share your documents through your deal room, with real-time notifications, security permissions and insights such as time spent in deal room.


Finta allows companies to optimise business offers by conducting an internal fundraising audit of the company’s offers, terms, ratings and business proposal. It also enables payment processing across multiple transaction types, including cheques, bank transfers and credit cards.

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Usability: 9 /10 Speed: 9 /10 Features: 7 /10 Support: 8.5 /10 Pricing: 8 /10

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