Video calls are one of Skype most used feature.
Since its inception, Skype has made a long and steady climb to the top of the productivity apps that everyone of us uses almost everyday. In 2014, Skype market share was 40%: it’s a de-facto standard – maybe that’s the reason Microsoft bought them 2011.
Skype is an instant messaging app that runs on every platform (desktop or mobile, and on the web also). It supports real-time chats and calls (either audio or video), audio or video group calls and documents transfer. You can also actually use the app as you telephone, calling and texting phone numbers all around the world (different rates for different countries apply). They allow you to pay a monthly fee for minutes of free calls in the USA or worldwide, and they provide you also with a voicemail option.
Don’t mistake this service for a real telephone line, though: you can’t place any emergency call, neither you can block incoming calls (nor chats).
If you need a real-time chat system that works almost everywhere, Skype’s the way.
Usability: 7 /10 | Speed: 7 /10 | Features: 7 /10 | Support: 6 /10 | Pricing: 8 /10 |
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