WebReq Review

WebReq is a cloud-based purchasing management software designed to help companies automate purchasing and expense management operations. Administrators can set spending limits, automatically create purchase requisitions, and track order requests on a unified interface. The platform enables teams to sort products by serial numbers, manage returns and conduct audit trails to identify contracted payables.
WebReq allows managers to record receipts for multiple goods or services and manage accounts payable processes on a centralized dashboard. Supervisors can also electronically capture and store documents, generate invoices, and customize access permissions for staff members. The solution integrates seamlessly with existing financial systems and provides valuable spending controls and insights.



  • Purchase Requisitions: the requisition software module provides an organization with strict controls over how requests are raised and who approves them. The online purchase requisition approval process can be managed remotely, ensuring that there are no delays in converting purchase requisitions into purchase orders, which are then automatically sent to suppliers.
  • Goods Receipt: once a purchase order has been fulfilled by the supplier, the goods receipt needs to be updated to show which purchase orders have been delivered. The WebReq Goods Receipt module allows an organization to control goods or services as they are delivered, either partially or completely.
  • Supplier Invoices: when suppliers send relevant tax invoices for payment, the Invoice module provides the ability to update them in the system. Invoice management allows rules to be set for the approval of invoices to be paid.
  • Expense Claims: employees incur expenses that will require the submission of a claim. These claims must include all relevant documentation for management to approve the claims. Expenses must be allocated to the relevant jobs or projects.
  • Credit Cards: corporate credit cards can be managed by uploading transactions from the relevant financial institution for each cardholder to be assigned to the relevant jobs or projects. Once assigned, the transactions need to be approved by the relevant manager.
  • Feature Additions: over time, we have developed additional modules to simplify business processes and increase efficiency. The Australian development team can quickly create additional functionalities for organizations that may need something specific for their business.


WebReq is an order entry software that allows businesses to approve or reject spending requests and calculate reimbursement values based on local currencies to process transactions.

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Usability: 9 /10 Speed: 9 /10 Features: 8.5 /10 Support: 8 /10 Pricing: 9 /10

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