The time has come to take your first yoga class. What style of yoga is best for me? Which studio do I go to? How much does it cost? If these questions stop you from starting your yoga practice, check out Pocket Yoga!
Keep up with your yoga classes comfortably from home. Just roll out your mat and open Pocket Yoga. Choose from 27 different sessions of varying length and difficulty. Learn the positions with the pose dictionary with detailed explanations on posture, alignment and benefits. Voice and visual instructions guide the user through each pose and its beathing technique. Unlock new environments as you progress on your yoga journey, keep a log of all yoga practices to track progress, you can even play music from your music library, iTunes Radio or other apps, or choose the available music. It works on your Apple Watch too, which makes it super easy to read information directly from your wrist (current pose, time remaining, heart rate, calories burned and more). Pocket Yoga doesn’t require an internet connection, which means you can take your yoga class with you wherever you go. The “Pose of the day” widget helps you learn the names of the poses by showing you a different one every day. You can see the name of the Pose in English, Sanskrit and even in the Devanagari script. Click on the pose image to launch Yoga and see the position in more detail.
Creating your own personalized “yoga routine” has never been easier. Pocket Yoga Teacher allows you to build, edit and share complete yoga practices and the price is only € 3.49. Compatible with Android and iPhone operating systems.
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