If you would like to advertise or post contents in accuratereviews.com you will necessarily have to follow our policies.
Please choose the type of service that meets your needs by clicking on the related button and carefully read the rules below.
Ideal for bloggers, writers, disseminators and people who are passionate about the field
Guest article is useful for publishing on a relevant site of our caliber without investing significant amounts of money. With this service, however, you won’t get search engine rankings, you have no guarantee of publication or even on any timelines. In return, you will have to provide a “do follow” link on your website to accuratereviews.com. You will then be responsible for promoting your article through social channels or other advertising.
In Accurate Reviews, we value and encourage guest blogging, as well as people who out of passion, or profession, want to write articles for a different audience than themselves, increase authority, or simply build new relationships.
On the other hand, our readers can take advantage of content, ideas, knowledge, curiosities, viewpoints or experiences of other writers who are happy to share topic articles.
Each “guest article” must be reviewed in advance by our editorial staff before any publication.
We do not provide guarantees or timelines on the online publication of guest posts that have been submitted to us. Each text sent will be evaluated at the discretion of the editorial staff, who may review and edit it according to criteria they consider appropriate.
Accurate Reviews gives you the opportunity to report guest writer credits and perhaps a nofollow link to your site to be placed at the end of the guest post.
In Accurate Reviews we are committed to publishing articles and software reviews on a daily basis, and yet we also publish lots of guest articles without asking for money in return.
The only request we make is to get a link with dofollow attribute to Accurate Reviews in order to grow its popularity on the web more and increase its indexing value towards search engines.
Basic conditions for writing a guest article on accuratereviews.com.
- The topic and genre must be in line with the submitted contents on accuratereviews.com such as: technology in the software industry, updates in the IT field…
- The article must be original and unique, so the same article must not be published online elsewhere
- There must be no inappropriate terminology, insults, impolite phrases, pornography, political views, and must not cause offense to any person. Also prohibited is advertising to companies as well as sponsorship of products or services apart from the software or product covered in the content
- Each article must be written correctly, both in lexical form and exposition, and must present a good quality in terms of copy writing
- The topic covered will be at your complete discretion, the important thing is that it is related to our work, so do not ask us for opinions or preferences
- It must not be an advertisement to your own blog or site.
- The article cannot contain more than 1 external backlink and will be placed by us with the nofollow attribute.
- The article must not exceed 800 words.
- Try to talk about a content or news not already on Accurate Reviews and be original, so we recommend you take a look at our already published articles
- Also include an ‘image as a cover to your article, and possibly other images and of the article
- Use external links and citations to sources. Internal links to Accurate Reviews are strongly appreciated
- Be sure to check your spelling carefully and take care to maximize the quality of your content
- Try to be engaging and never long-winded in order to appeal to your readers as much as possible
- Include tags and keywords that can help search engine indexing as well as engage users who are really interested in the topic
- Any comments and judgments from users, if lawful and in accordance with our rules, will be moderated by us and approved without reservation
- Once the article is published, share it on your social media to communicate it to your readers.
Now that you have read the rules for creating a good guest post in Accurate Reviews, you are ready to write your article, fascinate and attract your audience.
Ideal for freelancers, modest startups and small teams of developers
Listing in the software directory is useful for publishing a product on a relevant site of our caliber without investing significant amounts of money. With this service, however, you won’t get search engine rankings, you have no guarantee of publication or even on any timelines. In return, you will have to provide a “do follow” link on your website to accuratereviews.com. You will then be responsible for promoting your article through social channels or other advertising.
In Accurate Reviews, we value and encourage software directory, as well as people who out of passion, or profession, want to write articles for a different audience than themselves, increase authority, or simply build new relationships.
On the other hand, our readers can take advantage of content, ideas, knowledge, curiosities, viewpoints or experiences of other writers who are happy to share topic articles.
Each “software directory” must be reviewed in advance by our editorial staff before any publication.
We do not provide guarantees or timelines on the online publication of software reviews that have been submitted to us. Each text sent will be evaluated at the discretion of the editorial staff, who may review and edit it according to criteria they consider appropriate.
Accurate Reviews gives you the opportunity to report guest writer credits and perhaps a nofollow link to your site.
In Accurate Reviews we are committed to publishing articles and software reviews on a daily basis, and yet we also publish lots of software directory without asking for money in return.
The only request we make is to get a link with dofollow attribute to Accurate Reviews in order to grow its popularity on the web more and increase its indexing value towards search engines.
Basic conditions for listing a product in the software list on accuratereviews.com
- The description must not exceed 350 characters
- A dofollow link to an accuratereviews.com page will be required after publication on your website
There must be no inappropriate terminology, insults, impolite phrases, pornography, political views, and must not cause offense to any person. Also prohibited is advertising to companies as well as sponsorship of products or services apart from the software or product covered in the content - Each article must be written correctly, both in lexical form and exposition, and must present a good quality in terms of copy writing
- The article cannot contain more than 1 external backlink and will be placed by us with the nofollow attribute.
- The editorial staff may remove the product and its link from the list at its complete discretion and at any time
- Look carefully at our software listing page
- Be sure to carefully check your spelling and take care to maximize the quality of your content
- Any comments and judgments from users, if lawful and in accordance with our rules, will be moderated by us and approved without reservation
- Once the article is published, share it on your social media to communicate it to your readers.
Now that you have read the rules for reporting your software to Accurate Reviews, you are ready to send us the description.
Ideal for bloggers, copywriters, web agency and SEOs
Through our link building service, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of the excellent quality and high visibility of our articles and increase the relevance of one of your articles or pages. All you need to do is require the insertion of a dofollow link in an article of your interest already published on our portal.
If you need to increase the ranking of your website, to create “follow” links to your website, whether it is a blog, forum or showcase site, you can generate link building to one of your pages or articles in order to increase its relevance and boost its search engine ranking value.
You may decide to take advantage of the visibility of some of our many articles, professionally created by our editorial staff, a team of professionals who publish high quality content and full industry relevance on a daily basis. First take a look at the storage of our already published articles.
Basic conditions for getting a “dofollow” link on accuratereviews.com
- The topic and genre must be in line with the submitted contents on accuratereviews.com such as: software reviews, technology in the software industry, updates in the IT field…
- The landing site must not contain advertising material and off-topic or unrelated ads
- There must be no inappropriate terminology, insults, impolite phrases, pornography, political views, and must not cause offense to any person. Also prohibited is advertising to companies as well as sponsorship of products or services apart from the software or product covered in the content
- The keyword or simple proposition to be included in our article must be congruent with the context and fit perfectly into the lexical period and in a logical manner
- A misleading link is definitely self-defeating for both of us and would be penalized by both search engines and our users
- It should not be an advertisement to your own blog or site and will not be mentioned and accepted into our blog: illegal material, casino, dating, CBD, gambling, cryptocurrency
- We do not provide analytics or tracking analysis inherent in our portal
- We give a guarantee that achieved link may be active for a minimum period of 1 year. Normally, if there are no particular changes, we have no reason to remove it, so it should be active forever
- As long as the link is there, it will normally also stay dofollow, however, it will be at our discretion to remove it or change its type
- Our links will not be marked as sponsored (rel=”sponsored” or rel=”ugc”)
- There is no guarantee that in the same article there may be or may be added in the future other links from any other competitors
- Read most of our articles already published in Accurate Reviews and select those that are closest to your target audience
- Insert a keyword or simple proposition that can fit correctly into the context of the overall sentence
- Remember that it is not the quantity of visits that determines the quality of visitors
- By strictly adhering to our policies, you will easily overcome our careful evaluation and get exactly what you are looking for
- Once the article is published, share it on your social media to communicate it to your readers.
Now that you have read the rules for creating and getting an effective link in an Accurate Reviews post, you are ready to send us the keyword and ‘destination URL to attract your audience.
For professionals, startups and small software houses
If you want to take advantage of our portal’s excellent reputation to advertise your own article or commission the Accurate Reviews team to promote a website, page, product or service, you can use our sponsored post service.
If you need to increase the ranking of your website, create “follow” links to your website, whether it is a blog, forum, showcase site or advertise a product or service related to accuratereviews.com, you can send us your article and take advantage of a high-quality link to increase your search engine rankings by boosting the possibility of conversion.
Basic conditions for getting a sponsored post on accuratereviews.com.
- The topic and genre must be in line with the submitted contents on accuratereviews.com such as: software reviews, technology in the software industry, updates in the IT field
- The landing site must not contain advertising material and off-topic or unrelated ads
- There must be no inappropriate terminology, insults, impolite phrases, pornography, political views, and must not cause offense to any person. Also prohibited is advertising to companies as well as sponsorship of products or services apart from the software or product covered in the content
- The article must be original and unique, so the same article must not be published online elsewhere
- Each article must be written correctly, both in lexical form and exposition, and must present a good quality in terms of copy writing
- A misleading link is definitely self-defeating for both of us and would be penalized by both search engines and our users
- It should not be an advertisement to your own blog or site and will not be mentioned and accepted into our blog: illegal material, casino, dating, CBD, gambling, cryptocurrency
- We do not provide analytics or tracking analysis inherent in our portal
- We give a guarantee that achieved link may be active for a minimum period of 1 year. Normally, if there are no particular changes, we have no reason to remove it, so it should be active forever
- As long as the link is there, it will normally also stay dofollow, however, it will be at our discretion to remove it or change its type
- Our links will not be marked as sponsored (rel=”sponsored” or rel=”ugc”)
- Neither the article will be categorized as sponsored, and no banners containing sponsorship will be included
- There is no guarantee that in the same article there may be or may be added in the future other links from any other competitors
- The topic covered will be at your complete discretion, the important thing is that it is related to our work, so do not ask us for opinions or preferences
- It cannot be a software, product or service review, the article must be neutral and generic and should cover a topic in line with Accurate Reviews
- You may assign the writing of the article, for a fee, to our expert editorial team
- Read most of our articles already published in Accurate Reviews and select those that are closest to your target audience
- Insert a keyword or simple proposition that can fit correctly into the context of the overall sentence
- Remember that it is not the quantity of visits that determines the quality of visitors
- By strictly adhering to our policies, you will easily overcome our careful evaluation and get exactly what you are looking for
- Try to be engaging and never long-winded in order to appeal to your readers as much as possible
- Include tags and keywords that can help search engine indexing as well as engage users who are really interested in the topic
- Any comments and judgments from users, if lawful and in accordance with our rules, will be moderated by us and approved without reservation
- Once the article is published, share it on your social media to communicate it to your readers.
Now that you have read the rules for creating an effective post with dofollow links on Accurate Reviews, you are ready to send us your article along with the ‘target URL. This will be the easiest way to attract more audience.
For companies and medium or large software houses
All companies that would like an accurate review regarding their product can apply for our highest quality service called “accuratereviews”. We guarantee an accurate evaluation of the software, a comprehensive review, giving the product a chance to take advantage of the Accurate Reviews catalog, an extensive showcase on the web!
If you need to highlight your software, you need an objective, neutral and high-quality evaluation to increase your search engine rankings, catch the attention of your potential customers, give a solution to those who have a need, get those who are undecided and looking for the best tool to choose. You will have the chance to increase your conversions by getting an audience that is already selected and really interested in your product. Our clicks to your conversion page will be of high quality, creating optimized potential lead generation.
Basic conditions for getting the accurate review on accuratereviews.com
- The product and landing page must be in line with the submitted contents on accuratereviews.com such as: software reviews, technology in the software industry, updates in the IT field
- The landing site must not contain advertising material and off-topic or unrelated ads
- There must be no inappropriate terminology, insults, impolite phrases, pornography, political views, and must not cause offense to any person. Also prohibited is advertising to companies as well as sponsorship of products or services apart from the software or product covered in the content
- The review must be original and unique, so the same review must not be published online elsewhere
- The placement on the page in our software list is not guaranteed
- A misleading link is definitely self-defeating for both of us and would be penalized by both search engines and our users
- It should not be an advertisement to your own blog or site and will not be mentioned and accepted into our blog: illegal material, casino, dating, CBD, gambling, cryptocurrency
- We do not provide analytics or tracking analysis inherent in our portal
- We give a guarantee that achieved review may be active for a minimum period of 1 year. Normally, if there are no particular changes, we have no reason to remove it, so it should be active forever
- We do not provide periodic updates to the review
- As long as there is an active review and its link, normally the link will also stay dofollow, however, it will be at our discretion to remove it or change its type
- Our links will not be marked as sponsored (rel=”sponsored” or rel=”ugc”)
- The review will not be categorized as sponsored either, nor will banners containing sponsorship be posted
- Features and functionalities will be discussed between you and our editorial team
- Polling will be by our editorial team and our rating will be uncontested
- The placement on the relevant category page and in the comparative table will be at our complete discretion
- Any comments and judgments from users, if lawful and in accordance with our rules, will be moderated by us and approved without reservation
- We do not guarantee assured results in terms of conversions, our service is one of accurate and objective review to help our audience
- Read other reviews already on Accurate Reviews and select those that most closely match your product and those of any competitors
- Make a list of your software’s features; you will certainly know it better than anyone else
- Remember that it is not the quantity of visits that determines the quality of visitors
- By strictly adhering to our policies, you will easily overcome our careful evaluation and get exactly what you are looking for
- Try to be neutral and objective when describing your product
- Include tags and keywords that can help search engine indexing as well as engage users who are really interested in the topic
- Once the review is published, share it on your social networks or create advertising to communicate it to your customers and increase the chances of software distribution
- Post the review obtained from accuratereviews.com on your site.
- Send us the full license of the software to give us the opportunity for maximum evaluation with a comprehensive and thorough review by our experienced staff
Now that you have read the rules for getting an accurate review on Accurate Reviews, you are ready to send us your content, along with the ‘destination URL, and the license to use it. You’ll have a chance to attract new customers and increase the notoriety of your product.
All you have to do is write to us directly